When: Various, May 30 – June 6
Where: Various
Cost: Particular to Event
Throughout the course of the week, get your passport (in the printed edition of the Event Guide from the May 23 issue of the Frederick News Post’s 72 Hours) stamped at as many designated “Passport Events” as possible (there are 9 possible events) for chances to win prizes at the wrap up event, The Brews Clues Finale, at Barley and Hops on Friday, June 6. Start on opening night with a kick.
How to play:
- Obtain a FBW passport from the event guide, event locations or by downloading at frederickbeer.com
- Attend the “passport” or “featured” events with your passport. Obtain a stamp from the FBW Passport Agent on duty at the event. The agent will also give you a clue to answer or an item to obtain that is specific to that event.
- Attend as many FBW featured events as possible.
- Bring your passport to Barley and Hops for the “Brews Clues” Finale on Friday June 6th at 9 PM, following the last featured event at Milkhouse Brewery. Your passport stamps and correct answers to questions will accumulate raffle tickets. 1 raffle ticket per stamp and 1 raffle ticket per correct answer for up 16 possible tickets. Prizes will be awarded via raffle which include collectables and gift cards from FBW sponsors. In addition, for each stamp collected you will receive 4 coupons good for a 4 cent 7 oz beer! (coupons are good for this event only).
If you missed the passport in the FNP’s May 23rd issue of 72 Hours, just download your own with the link below…
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