



Brawling Bear’s True Respite: MontCo Brewery Provides Second Life

by Kevin M. Smith Founded in 2016, Brawling Bear was one of the first independent breweries in Montgomery County, along with Waredaca Brewing Company, and Brookeville Beer Farm. The brewery has been a staple at Maryland beer festivals ever since, and their distinctive...

A Little Holiday Cheer

by Kevin M. Smith Let's face it - 2020 hasn't been easy, and the year's bullshit is just going to roll over into 2021. That's how rough this year has been. 2020 is going to screw with 2021. It's inevitable. The American response to the pandemic has been atrocious, and...

Barleywine: Thriving Seasonal, or Dying Style?

by Kevin M. Smith Barleywine. It’s big, it’s bold, and it’s a malty concoction, characterized by dark fruit notes like fig and plum, and it can be hard to find. Sure, big boys of craft like Flying Dog with Horn Dog, and Sierra Nevada with Big Foot, still release their...
A Little Holiday Cheer

A Little Holiday Cheer

by Kevin M. Smith Let's face it - 2020 hasn't been easy, and the year's bullshit is just going to roll over into 2021. That's how rough this year has been. 2020 is going to screw with 2021. It's inevitable. The American response to the pandemic has been atrocious, and...

Barleywine: Thriving Seasonal, or Dying Style?

Barleywine: Thriving Seasonal, or Dying Style?

by Kevin M. Smith Barleywine. It’s big, it’s bold, and it’s a malty concoction, characterized by dark fruit notes like fig and plum, and it can be hard to find. Sure, big boys of craft like Flying Dog with Horn Dog, and Sierra Nevada with Big Foot, still release their...

From Behind the Bar:  nicht die Pils deiner Mutter

From Behind the Bar: nicht die Pils deiner Mutter

by Kevin M. Smith I know I haven't been great about keeping up with this on the weekly basis that I was intended. I will attempt to do better. With the pleasantries out of the way, this week's recommendation comes to you from the bucolic brewing fields of Wheatland...






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